
Portugal Fashion Organic AW 14/15 - Day 2

In the second day of Portugal Fashion (first one in Oporto), we saw the collections of Luís Buchinho, Daniela Barros, Hugo Costa and Anabela Baldaque.
Here's some photographies:





Stay tunned for more updates here.

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XX, Poison


New Topic: ESSENTIALS - Black Shoes

I decided to create a new topic: ESSENTIALS! I'll make collages of the essentials we all need to have in our wardrobe. Is there any better way to start but with the two most amazing things on Earth - black and shoes?

XX, Poison

Some cute ideas

Being all this endless days crazy sick made me basically live 24/7 on Pinterest and like sites alike. Well, it wasn't a loss of time! Actually I found some amazing ideas to makeover my bedroom/atelier. Here's some of them:

Nice for travellers, you can point wheverer you already were

I don't know why but I loved this idea!

Simple and easy way to put some photos on the wall without damaging it

Another one I don't know why...

This is absolutely beautiful! And you can pick your favorite bottles to do it

I wanted a wallpaper like this for so long! I never found any who satistied me. This one is cute cute!

Maybe when I get som time I'll do it! 

XX, Poison


Some old outfits I discovered

This photos were taken between 2010 and 2013. I haven't seen them since then! It reflects a little bit of my style during the years. Flowers are everywhere! I absolutely love everything that has a pattern with flowers in it. Of course it depend on the pattern, but at first sight I love them all. They're all outfits quite simple and easy to wear (excpet the one with the can in my hair, that one crossed a little bit the lines, I admit, but it was just for a school project!).
Estas fotografias foram tiradas entre 2010 e 2013. Já não as via desde quase desde que as tirei! Reflectem um bocadinho do meu estilo durante estes anos. Flowers everywhere! Eu adoro tudo o que tenha padrões florais. Claro que depende do padrão mas à primeira vista gosto de todos. Os outfits são simples e fáceis de usar em qualquer ocasião. (exepcto o em que tenho a lata na cabeça, esse é um bocado over the top admito, mas foi para um projecto da escola!).

XX, Poison


IT'S GIVEAWAY TIME!!! (Portugal only)

Nada melhor para comemorar a entrada num novo ano do que 2 Giveaways num!
Para poderem participar sigam os seguintes passos:
1. Like na página:
2. Escolher qual dos itens querem e identificar 2 amigas
Ex: 1. Set of 9 Rings/2. Necklace; @Amiga1 @Amiga2 ;
3. "Share" it the world!

O giveaway acabará no fim do mês e as vencedoras serão sorteadas através do random.org.
Se os resultados forem para o mesmo item o segundo é novamente sorteado.

Good luck! <3

XX, Poison


Oh, coats!

This Winter season is killing me! It's so cold, I can't actually leave my house without looking a Michelin. I decided to show you my favorite types of coats for this Winter. They're all very simple, but I love them! They keep me warm and you can mix them with everything because of their simplicity. Yet, I still love this weather. It's so good to stay at home, drink a hot chocolate while you're lying down in the couch with a blanket.

Este Inverno está-me a matar!! Tem estado tanto frio que a maior parte dos dias é impossivél sair de casa sem parecer um daqueles bonecos da Michelin. Decidi mostrar-vos dois tipos dos meus casacos preferidos para esta Estação. São super simples mas eu adoro-os! São super quentinhos e, pela sua simplicidade, conseguimos conjuga-los com tudo! Mas, apesar do frio e chuva, até gosto um bocadinho deste tempo (mas em casa, deitada no sofá com um cobertor a beber um chocolate quente.)

XX, Poison